Artist: Deep Hawaii Art
Title: Unframed "Boweʻs Omilu" (BlueFin Trevally) Gyotaku
Medium: Custom reproduction piece embellished with Prismacolors, acrylic and ink pen on fine art paper. Black mat.
Size: Unramed size 24" x 36"
Gyotaku is a traditional Japanese style of fish printing where each original piece of art is taken right from the fish. Kristin applies acrylic paint to the actual fish then presses rice paper onto the specimen to receive the paint. She then adds in details! Each fish is eaten or used for bait afterwards.
Fun facts from Kristin:
"Bluefin Trevally (Caranx melampygus) are known as Omilu in Hawaiian. There are often multiple Hawaiian words for one species of fish, depending on size. Small Bluefin Trevallies are known as papio in Hawaiian, while larger blue fins are called Omilus. My very first gyotaku print was of an Omilu, so this piece is very special to me too. I love all of the bright colors on these fish and the blues on the fins are absolutely electric when the fish is alive or first caught. I created this print with those colors in mind. My friend Bowe nabbed this fish with only a 3-prong, which is how he always gets his fish for dinner!"
Category: Deep Hawaii Art