Artist: Deep Hawaii Art
Title: "Griffin" the Goatfish Gyotaku
Medium: Embellished Reproduction Print. Media: Acrylic paint, Micron ink pen and watercolor background, Urauchi flattened Rice paper
Size: Framed size: 17 1/2" x 21 1/2.
Lāna`i artist Kristin Belew painstakingly created this life-size reproduction of her Gyotaku print.
Gyotaku is a traditional Japanese style of fish printing where each original piece of art is taken right from the fish. Kristin applies acrylic paint to the actual fish then presses rice paper onto the specimen to receive the paint. She then adds in details! Each fish is eaten or used for bait afterwards.
Fun facts from Kristin:
This manybar goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus) is known as Moano in Hawaiian. These goatfish cruise around the sea floor using their whisker-like barbels to search for food. This exact species of fish are also what we use to find octopus. Moanos often find octopus and nip at them and harass them. I have also seen an octopus retaliate with a quick punch to the moano bothering it. I speared this particular fish and had it for dinner. They make a great local steamed dish which includes garlic, ginger bok choy and onion, topped with sizzling peanut oil!
Category: Deep Hawaii Art